Device Troubleshooting
Here are some common problems you may experience while using the SmartBatch+ along with our suggested troubleshooting. If you have issues not listed here, or the troubleshooting does not seem to work, please contact us at
1. Switching the direction of rotation from clockwise to counterclockwise or vise versa may help.
- Click rotation.
- This will bring you to a new window with more details.
- Next to “direction”, press the button that will display either “cw” or “ccw”.
- Pressing this should switch the rotation direction (clockwise or counterclockwise).
- Turn the speed of rotation up to 2-3 RPM so you can see if it is working.
- Press the button displaying the speed of 0.01 RPM.
- Use the scroll bar on the right to increase the speed to 2-3 RPM.
- Press “save”, “esc”, and then turn on rotation.
- See if the cup can rotate one full circle around.
- If this worked, go back into the rotation detail panel and turn the speed back down to 0.01 RPM.
- Save and escape.
2. If this does not work, check the magnets on the hex piece for rust.
- If the magnet is rusted, or this procedure did not work, send an email to
1. Power off the device.
2. Get some methanol or ethanol and use a kimwipe or paper towel to clean the screen as much as possible, paying close attention to the edges where the screen is near the case to remove any debris. Debris could be causing a phantom touch where the screen is reading a touch when it shouldn’t.
3. After the screen is cleaned, try powering on the device while holding your finger on the screen while you power it back on to enter calibration mode.
4. Calibrate by touching each of the corners where shown on the prompt. If you do not see the arrows, please follow the video attached as the arrows may be hidden by the sheet metal case.