Map the Co-localization of Cells, Cellular Structures, and Protein Aggregates

  • ID cells with cell-specific markers: Identify cells of interest such as active neurons, invading immune cells, differentiated cells by colocalizing them with molecular markers that distinguish their cellular identity.
  • Define tissue microenvironments: Delineate the local tissue environment that surround and support cells by conducting a proximity analysis of signaling molecules, interacting cells, and structural components.
  • Examine the impact of proteinopatheis: Gather evidence for the devastating effects of abnormal protein aggregation on the surrounding microenvironment and the ensuing biological response by colocalizing protein aggregates with other biological markers.

(2) Figure 6. Light-sheet imaging of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)+ axon terminals (red; middle left) together with Iba1-labeled microglia (green; left) confirmed their spatial proximity. Middle right, three-dimensional (3D) rendering image of a 50-μm-thick slice (scale bar, 20 μm); top right, high-magnification view of the boxed region (scale bar, 5 μm); bottom right, further enlarged view of the region in the dashed box and automatically detected axon boutons (magenta) (scale bar, 2 μm). b, Distance of boutons to the nearest microglia. Article licensed under the terms of the

For additional publications supporting this use case refer to:

  1. Chen et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci 120(21):e2220684120 (2023)Figure 4a, 4b, Movie 1, 2
  2. Ma et al. (2024) Nature Communications 27, 249–258 (2024)Figure 6a, 6b
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