MegaSPIM Light Sheet Microscope

High-resolution light sheet microscopy for a wide range of applications

MegaSPIM is a highly flexible imaging system designed to rapidly acquire high-resolution data from a variety of tissue types, including: thin sections, cleared thick sections of human or nonhuman primate organs, and arrays of smaller cleared samples such as whole rodent organs or organoids. We offer custom mounting solutions for all of these tissues and more.

After image acquisition, our streamlined post-processing pipeline facilitates destriping, deskewing, and stitching large data sets. Easily create complete 3D image sets that are ready for analysis.

Light Sheet Microscopy - Highlighted pipeline icon

High-throughput volumetric imaging, designed for speed and versatility​

Easily scan through your tissues and transform raw images into complete 3D stacks ready for viewing and analysis. MegaSPIM allows you to efficiently generate high-quality data from multiple or larger samples. 1mm-thick human brain section (see below), can be completed in just 8 hours with the 1.8X objective and a single camera.

Figure of MegaSPIM acquisition of different sample types

Detailed 3D data from human-scale samples to thin sections

Mouse brain imaged with MegaSPIM light sheet microscope
TIGRE-MORF mouse brain, expressed via AAVI-Cre, imaged with MegaSPIM at 9X magnification. Shown: 200um Maximum Intensity Projection from a 1mm thick coronal section. Sample courtesy of Hongwei Dong Lab at UCLA.
Marmoset Array Cleared and Imaged with SmartBatch and MegaSPIM
E14.5 mouse embryo brains labeled for cell nuclei via YoPro1 (cyan), Olig2 (yellow), and C-Fos (magenta). Courtesy of Dr. Claire-Marie Vacher, Columbia University. Imaged on MegaSPIM at 3.6X magnification, 30 minutes per sample (3 channels).
Pig brain section stained with Syto16, CD31, and Iba-1
Syto16 (cyan), CD31 (yellow), + Iba-1 (magenta) in 2mm-thick section of pig brain, sliced with Megatome and imaged with MegaSPIM at 1.8X (left) and 15X (right) magnifications.
Uncleared mouse brain section stained with Iba-1
Iba-1 in 100µm-thick uncleared section of mouse brain, sliced with Megatome and imaged with MegaSPIM at 15X magnification.

Light sheet illumination and detection

MegaSPIM uses patented axial sweeping technology to capture images with uniform axial resolution across the entire field of view without deconvolution. Long working-distance objectives positioned at 45 degrees above the sample plane allow imaging of samples as laterally large as the travel range of the stage.

Our deskewing algorithm seamlessly translates these tilted image stacks into standard XY planes, ready to be stitched into complete XYZ stacks for visualization and analysis.

Technical specifications

More than a microscope – a complete solution

Tissue Processing

Prepare samples with tools for preservation, clearing, labeling, & sectioning.

Light Sheet Imaging

Acquire spatially informative images with innovative microscopy techniques.

Image Analysis

Generate publication-quality data with robust analysis tools.

Speak to an imaging expert about your application