LifeCanvas Technologies at SfN 2024 Annual Meeting

Connect with us at our booth #1317!

We are excited to have the opportunity to discover new challenges in neuroscience and support them!

Discover the LifeCanvas Society for Neuroscience Travel Grant Winners:

Session NANO50: Evolutionary Perspectives on Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms and Circuitry

Session PSTR249: Learning and Memory: Hippocampal-Cortical Interactions II

Session PSTR400: Brain Mechanisms and Processing of Pain

Poster: NANO50.07 – Evo-devo diversification of cortical output channels

October 9, 2024, 9:30 AM – 9:45 AM

By Shreyas Suryanarayana from Josh Huan Lab at Duke Neurobiology University.

PSTR249.01 / V24 – Prefrontal cortex arbitrates memory-guided conflict resolution

October 7, 2024, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

By Albit Caban from Ramirez Lab
at Boston University. 

PSTR400.01 / D54 – Whole brain mapping of activity-dependent genetically labeled neurons after corneal stimulation

October 9, 2024, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

By Samuel Reynolds from Meng Lab at University of New England. 

Schedule a consultation with our scientists during SfN:

Participation criteria: 

  • Have data from a neuroscience project utilizing SmartBatch+, SmartSPIM, or MegaSPIM.
  • Have had your abstract accepted by SfN for the 2024 conference.
  • Application deadline: Friday June 7th

Award inclusions:

  • Win a USD $1,500 Travel Grant to cover trip and registration costs for SfN 2024
  • Spotlight on You: Winners will be highlighted at the LifeCanvas Booth, LifeCanvas SfN Social and Website.

Terms and conditions:

Eligibility Criteria: Applicants must be actively enrolled or employed at an institution or company in a capacity in which they perform life science research. Recipients must be age 18 or older. Members of the immediate families of LifeCanvas Technologies employees and directors, and/or persons living in the same household as such persons, are ineligible to participate in this grant program. To be eligible, applicants must submit a poster abstract to the Neuroscience 2024 Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience and their poster abstract must be accepted. The travel grant award allows for each recipient to receive up to USD $1,500 in reimbursement to offset the cost of coach class airfare, hotel stay, and ground transportation to and from their home airport. Recipients must email a completed expense report with attached receipts to Ali Balaguer, Senior Marketing Specialist at no later than October 30th, 2024 to be considered for reimbursement.

Miscellaneous: By submitting an application, each applicant agrees that LifeCanvas Technologies may use his or her name, abstract title, and abstract for marketing purposes. All applicants agree that LifeCanvas Technologies may process the personal data he or she provides as part of the application, including sharing such data with LifeCanvas Technologies’ partners, collaborators and other third parties who are obligated to keep the data confidential.
Award recipients may be required to sign and return an affidavit of eligibility, release of liability, a publicity release, and other appropriate legal documentation reasonably requested by LifeCanvas Technologies. No substitution or transfer of the award is allowed, except as otherwise permitted by LifeCanvas Technologies. Award winners are responsible for any local tax liability (city, state, or federal) occurred by winning and accepting the award. If, for any reason, this grant program may not run as planned for any causes beyond the reasonable control of LifeCanvas Technologies, then LifeCanvas Technologies reserves the right in its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the grant program. LifeCanvas Technologies has not made any warranty, representation, or guarantee, express or implied, with respect to the grant award and related services, including, without limitation, their quality or fitness for a particular purpose.  By participating in this grant program, each applicant unconditionally accepts and agrees to comply with and abide by these terms and conditions.

Abstracts submitted after the deadline will be ineligible for prize consideration.