Delineate Tissue Architecture and Cell Mass

Delineate Tissue Architecture and Cell Mass

  • Mark tissue boundaries: Utilize various cell-type and structural markers to delineate biological regions with disparate makeup, such as cortical layers in the brain or putative cortical layers in organoids.
  • Segment cell masses: Utilize three dimensional imaging data to precisely demarcate the border of cell masses such as tumors and islets cells growing within tissues.
  • Define unique morphological features: Identify unique morphological features such as capsules, fissures, or crypts within complex tissues.

Extended Figure 2E (Ref 2): 3D delineation of the mouse primary motor cortex layer (MOp) borders based on light sheet imaging of whole brain immunostained with anti-NeuN and anti-Neurofilament-M. (Top) An optical section (left) and zoom-in view (right). (Bottom) An optical section of the entire brain and 3D rendering of MOp (left) and the cortical layer borders of MOp delineated based on autofluorescence (black dotted lines) and immunofluorescence (white dotted lines)(right). Article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY.

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