Characterize blood vessels in healthy and diseased states

Use Case: Characterize blood vessels in healthy and diseased states

Survey vessel integrity: Make detailed 3D reconstructions of the brain vascular network and spot areas of blood vessel leakage caused by disruption of the blood-brain-barrier.
Investigate vasculature-associated pathology: Look closely at ruptured blood vessels caused by cerebral edemas and microhemorrhages to identify the molecular and cellular mechanism underlying amyloid-related imaging abnormalities (ARIA).
Visualize the meningeal vasculature: Delineate the unique physical characteristics of the meningeal vasculature along with transiting immune cells in their natural environment by keeping the whole head and whole spine intact.

Supplemental Movie 2 (Ref 2): Three-dimensional images of arterioles associated with hemorrhages were obtained with light sheet microscopy of cleared human brain specimens. Thiazine red (red, β-amyloid), isolectin (green, vessel), and autofluorescence (pink, blood, end of movie). In both ruptured vessels deposits of amyloid are present at the site of rupture. Article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY license.

Figure 3a-b (Ref 1): As shown on volumetric lightsheet image of a tissue-cleared (CLARITY) specimen, the intimal pia and epipia adjoin at the brain surface and create a basket-like sieve around penetrating arterioles (a). The anatomy is further delineated on confocal Z-stack images of longitudinal and axial cortical mouse brain sections (b). Article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY license.

For additional publications supporting this use case refer to:

  1. Mestre et al. Nature Communications 13, 3897 (2022) – Figure 3a-b
  2. Solopova et al. Nature Communications 14, 8220 (2023) – Supplemental Movie 1-2
  3. Li et al. ACS Nano 18(33):22080-22094 (2024) – See Figure 5
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